Köngen – The coronavirus is changing how we live our daily lives. Many schools are not able to stay open and many can not go to work. Theaters, movies and stores are closed. Our previous life is put to the test.
The economy also does not have a standard definition for it. The uncertainty reigns at present. The course of Corona is impossible to predict. Most companies situation change on a daily basis. What decisions have to be made? Which measures need to be taken?
The Coronavirus has halted some industries. What is next? After implementing shorter working hours and measures safeguarding liquidity etc. have been introduced, most companies fight to keep their operational business running, as well as their processes and their Supply chain. While still trying to concentrate on the time after the crisis. This means to make the best of the compulsory time, to be able to successfully take the path to the ramp-up mode that will emerge after the battle against the coronavirus has been won.
Economic boom
While many businesses are making enormous financial cuts, some companies’ supply chain is experiencing a significant boom – from making wartime efforts to make protective gear up to the necessary fast delivery of the supermarkets due to almost always empty supermarket isles as a result of virus-driven hamster shopping. Especially in the food industry and in some Consumer Goods the desire pops up to, literally, have clean processes, in order to satisfy demand and without failing to meet the hygiene and quality standards. Now measures are necessary that rapidly increase the output and respectively reduce machine downtimes and scrap significantly.
Home office instead of Headquarter
In these days it becomes evident how agile some companies already are and how remote leadership gains importance. Companies, that already count on Shop Floor Management in direct and indirect areas, are, in my view, one step ahead. Those methods extremely help to conduct virtual meetings and to achieve goals or implement ideas together. With the Staufen software ValueStreamer you are able to transfer your entire Shop Floor Management world from your digital world to a whole new virtual world.
Focus. Impact. Speed.
In this time of social distancing, it is, above all, important to not only strengthen and care for your private relationships, but also for your business relationships. For most of us, the coronavirus presents an unknown and unprecedented restriction. More than ever, we urge a continuous exchange of ideas and experiences, for bringing together expertise and finding new perspectives.
With that in mind, we are always available for our partners and clients. Call us any time. No matter with what type of question. Just a couple of weeks ago, we, the Staufen AG, have been honored with the award for the “Best Consulting Firm Germany” (best Business/management consultancy Germany) in the category: Operations management. It is no accident, but the result of more than 25 years of experience that forms our DNA: always finding fast and pragmatic solutions.
Read more about the topic companies in crisis mode
More information STAUFEN.AG Werner Bärtle |
About Staufen AG – www.staufen.ag
Inside every company there is an even better one. With this conviction, Staufen AG has been advising and qualifying companies and employees for more than 25 years. Markets are on the move – the competitive pressure is enormous. Staufen helps to quickly bring about the right changes, increase productivity, improve quality and increase innovative strength. With the most fitting strategies and methods, international transformation consulting ensures rapid and measurable success. With an aim towards raising the potential available in every company, Staufen consultants work side-by-side with company executives and employees to establish a vibrant and long-term culture of change. Staufen subsidiary Staufen Digital Neonex supports medium-sized industrial companies on their path to digital transformation. The Academy of Staufen AG also offers certified, practice-oriented training courses. From the international locations, more than 340 employees serve customers all over the world. In 2020, Staufen AG was recognized by “brand eins” as “Best Consultants” for the seventh year in a row. According to the renowned industry study “Hidden Champions 2020,” the consulting firm is Germany’s
best lean management consultancy and was honored several times with the “Best of Consulting” award by the “Wirtschaftswoche” journal.