Multidimensional optimization 

Rarely is a company’s global footprint optimally aligned with its strategy and focus. It is usually the result of historical, short-term opportunities. However, the dynamics of competitors, customers, suppliers, the market, and politics put value networks under enormous pressure and require long-term alignment and continuous adaptation. A comprehensive view of the network structure and framework conditions is required to ensure that strategic decisions can be made quickly and with direction. 

Your contact person
Christian Ullrich

Christian Ullrich



Phone: + 49 173 1596134


Planning and control of value networks 

A global footprint concept helps to align the value network with requirements and strategy, and to efficiently plan and control the interaction of existing and new locations. The Staufen approach to successfully optimizing the global footprint is based on three phases that enable a holistic view of the supply chain network: 

Phase 1: Footprint analysis 

  • Aligning corporate strategy with stakeholder engagement 
  • Data checking and preparation 
  • Mapping of network and cross-company processes 
  • Financial and qualitative assessment of site structures 
  • Quick check and, if required, deep dives into plants, processes and equipment to identify potential 
  • Review and identification of deficits 
  • BestPractice visits to other companies and conducting competitive benchmarks. 

Phase 2: Footprint strategy and concept 

  • Vertical integration/make-or-buy analysis 
  • Clustering and demand planning  
  • Network modeling 
  • Scenario simulation  
  • Quantitative and qualitative evaluation 
  • Global footprint premises and guidelines 
  • Cost-benefit analysis  
  • Definition of future footprint 
  • Redefinition of the factory and location concept  
  • Updating the Blueprint concept 

Phase 3: Footprint implementation 

  • Detailed planning of the implementation 
  • Personnel and plant planning 
  • Validation of the financial and CAPEX plan 
  • IT, technology and equipment, and optionally detailed factory design 
  • Product and process planning, simulation, and validation 
  • Program metrics and control 
  • Optimization of locations according to Blueprint concept 
  • Greenfield/Brownfield implementation 
  • Expansion/consolidation of locations 
  • Monitoring of KPI development 
  • Final acceptance/handover 
  • Lessons learned 

Peter Trick

Senior Partner

"Not only is the issue of the global footprint becoming more urgent due to the upcoming German Supply Chain Act (LkSG), but for many, competitiveness is also at stake, because without a reduction in CO2 emissions, rising prices in emissions trading will put a severe strain on budgets."

CO2 Footprint 

Doing business sustainably while remaining competitive is a major challenge for many companies, especially since most do not know their carbon footprint or how to quickly and sustainably reduce their emissions. Together with the sustainability specialists at Fokus Zukunft, Staufen AG has developed a goGREEN consulting approach, which provides customized and holistic solutions. 

The holistic approach enables: 

  • Cost reduction through targeted resource and CO2 savings 
  • Increased resilience to geopolitical influences and crises 
  • Ensured sustainability and competitiveness 
  • A synergy-maximizing value network 

Once the carbon footprint has been calculated, customers are not left on their own, as our total package includes not only the analysis, but also the implementation of concrete measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, right through to carbon compensation.

Peter Trick
Senior Partner, Staufen.AG

Staufen supports the design of value creation networks 

Wondering how to optimize your value network to meet your needs and strategy? How to put more focus on environmental awareness? The global footprint approach from Staufen helps your company become more resilient, efficient, and sustainable. We look forward to your interest and questions! 

Your contact person
Christian Ullrich

Christian Ullrich



Phone: + 49 173 1596134


Your contact person
Portrait Rober Velenczei, Country Manager Hungary, STAUFEN.AG

Róbert Velenczei

Country Manager Hungary


Phone: +36 20 380 1039


Production location Eastern Europe 

Staufen knows Eastern Europe. The experienced Staufen consultants from Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary are very familiar with the structural and technical challenges of the respective regions. They also know the local labor market, are culturally competent, and have strong business and political networks. 

Especially in times of de-globalization and nearshoring, Eastern Europe has a great appeal. It offers attractive location conditions, a highly skilled workforce and a welcoming, partnership-based culture. 

If you have any questions about Eastern Europe as a business location, our consultants will be happy to provide you with valuable insights and support. 

More about the global footprint 

5 key challenges of an insufficiently digital supply chain 

Many companies strive for greater digitization in supply chain management to make logistics and delivery processes more efficient and robust. However, collecting large amounts of data is not enough anymore. The data and processes are too complex. “Smart applications” are therefore needed to reliably forecast sales and demand, optimize procurement processes and inventories, and reliably plan production. 

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Gruppenbild Partnerschaft Staufen AG und Fokus Zukunft

Climate neutrality: Staufen and Fokus Zukunft will jointly support companies in green transformations in the future

Staufen AG and Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG will work together in the future on the topic of sustainability. Together, the two consulting firms will support companies along their entire path to climate neutrality. 

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Go Green – an opportunity for long-term competitiveness

Heat records, forest fires, dried-up rivers and lakes – climate change caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can no longer be ignored.  In Germany, industry is responsible for around one-fifth of GHG emissions. 

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Supply Chain Network Management

The network of parties involved in the value creation process is becoming increasingly complex – especially due to the globalization of sales markets, production sites and procurement markets. Those who best master this complex value network and professionally manage the “customer-to-customer process,” i.e., make the goods available efficiently at the right time and in the right place, have a significant competitive edge.

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