Combined expertise on lean processes and C02 footprint: Staufen AG and Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG will work together in the future on the topic of sustainability. Together, the two consulting firms will support companies along their entire path to climate neutrality.
Bringing sustainable business practices in line with their own competitiveness poses major challenges for many companies. “They know neither how large their CO2 footprint currently is, nor the appropriate levers to reduce emissions quickly and significantly,” says Peter Trick, Senior Partner at Staufen AG. With “goGREEN”, the consulting firm has developed a consulting approach that leads companies to climate neutrality in five steps. Together with the sustainability specialists from Fokus Zukunft, Staufen develops customized and holistic solutions for green transformations.
The Staufen go GREEN Approach at a glance
“The topic of sustainability is increasingly driven by financial aspects in companies in addition to ethical ones,” says the Staufen consultant, “because without reducing greenhouse gas emissions, rising prices in emissions trading will put a heavy strain on budgets.” By 2025, the price for one ton of CO2 will be 55 euros – and the trend is rising. In addition, having a sustainable corporate focus is also an increasingly important decision-making criterion for customers and investors. Peter Trick: “With our approach, it is possible to determine CO2 emissions along the entire value stream and then consistently reduce them.”
Total package from analysis to green transformation

The first step towards becoming a climate-neutral company is to calculate the current CO2 footprint. In the future, Staufen customers will be able to draw on the expertise of Fokus Zukunft on this topic. Since 2016, the Starnberg-based sustainability consultancy has accompanied 1,800 companies on their path to sustainability and also has various climate protection projects in its portfolio which offset emissions that were already produced.
Based on current emissions, Staufen and Fokus Zukunft work with customers to identify suitable levers for reducing CO2 emissions. Staufen consultants then help them implement the green transformation with their proven hands-on mentality. “Experts from both firms combine their collective expertise to ensure that our customers are both green and lean in the future,” summarizes Staufen consultant Trick. “Customers will not be left on their own after calculating their CO2 footprint. Our overall package not only includes analysis but also the implementation of concrete measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and compensate CO2.”
We are pleased to be a key partner in Staufen AG’s go GREEN approach in the future. The cooperation is based on shared values such as long-term customer relationships at eye level.
Axel Banoth
Managing Director, FOkus Zukunft
Staufen supports you in the green transformation
Wonder how you can smoothly transition into a CO2-neutral company? With our goGREEN approach, we support you in a practical, goal-oriented and pragmatic manner. By focusing lean methods on greenhouse gas emissions in the company, we help you increase productivity while reducing your carbon footprint.

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