Focus on the Workplace – A study by Staufen AG
The study “Focus on the Workplace” from business consultancy Staufen centers around satisfaction and conflicts at the workplace. The main focus of the study was on typical office workplaces in all industries – from industry and retail to service companies and the public sector. In total, Staufen AG surveyed 1,511 employees in Germany from companies with at least 100 employees. The survey was carried out in fall 2019.
Process and leadership excellence are the keys to employee satisfaction
Many parts of the study show that good processes and structured work organization form the basis for employee satisfaction. Both allow employees to get involved in the company and demonstrate their maximum performance. Inefficient processes prevent this from happening. Companies not only need to optimize individual processes but also improve the interfaces between work steps.
Here, the role of executives is essential. Because while the relationship between colleagues in the company is usually good, supervisors are now often the cause of tension or for giving up (keyword: inner resignation) among the workforce. Excellent leaders, on the other hand, push for the company’s success on all fronts – starting with their own employees.
High-quality processes, stable work organization, a positive and participative leadership culture based on lean management and agility as well as clear team organization are decisive for the success of a company. If these general conditions are met, employee satisfaction will increase as well as the success of the company.