Green Transformation in Mechanical and Plant Engineering

Portrait des Staufen AG Mitarbeitenden Björn Falk

Dear Readers,

Sustainability” has been an integral part of social and political debate for many years. However, every second company in the mechanical and plant engineering sector is still acting against their better judgement on this issue, as our study “Green Transformation in Mechanical and Plant Engineering” shows.

The fact that much of what other industries like to declare as “green” for publicity purposes has long been part of everyday business in the mechanical and plant engineering sector is only part of the explanation. An industry that generates more than 200 billion euros in sales in Germany, employs more than a million people and registers thousands of patents every year should not settle for that.

Your Dr. Björn Falk,
Industry Manager Mechanical Engineering, STAUFEN.AG

About the Study

For the study “Green Transformation in Mechanical and Plant Engineering,” we surveyed a total of 160 companies from the mechanical and plant engineering sector in Germany in the first quarter of 2022.

On a total of 56 pages, the study provides a detailed insight into this industry’s sustainability strategy.

In addition, we compare the results with important findings from the  study “Green Transformation in the Automotive Industry” conducted last year.

Expert reports from Munsch Chemie-Pumpen GmbH and TRUMPF Machine Tools offer exciting impulses directly from the field.

Important on the path to a sustainable company is proactive action with a holistic climate strategy. At Dürr, we are actively reducing emissions and we act according to the motto invest don’t compensate.

Dietmar Heinrich
Chief Financial Officer/CFO
Dürr Aktiengesellschaft

Does your company have a strategy for the green transformation?

The advantage of the automobile industry: Nearly one out of two automotive companies already has a successful green strategy.

Comparison of the results with the study “Green Transformation in the Automobile Industry” conducted last year.

There is a lot of software on the market. However, a comprehensive view of the suppliers’ information and the approval workflows is still lacking. Data is not made generally available so that it is useful.

Dietmar Borgards
Chief Procurement Officer, Member of the Executive Board
Kurtz Holding GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG

Feel free to contact us.

Your Contact
Portrait des Staufen AG Mitarbeitenden Björn Falk

Dr. Björn Falk



Phone: +49 7024 8056 0


Mechanical and plant engineering must and will continue to drive ecological transformation. Central factors here will be the economic efficiency of the measures announced as well as stringent anchoring in corporate policy and management strategy.

We hope that this study will provide you with valuable ideas on how your company can successfully continue along this path, and we look forward above all to personally speaking with you.

Expert reports in the context of the study

Portrait Stefan Munsch
Stefan Munsch, Managing Director, MUNSCH Chemie-Pumpen GmbH

“As a family-owned company, we always think and act with an eye on the next generation.”

Munsch Pumpen, whose products are used especially in the chemical industry and for metallurgy, has been producing pumps since the 1960s. This company in the Westerwald is currently managed by Stefan Munsch, the family’s second generation. In the interview, this graduated engineer explains why sustainability was always writ large at Munsch and why he would sometimes like lawmakers to be a bit more practical.

“We’re contributing to the expansion of the circular economy and pushing system boundaries.”

The pressure on industry is growing: Politicians and the public are pushing for greater sustainability, while at the same time digitization is driving the cycle of innovation ever faster. Dr. Thomas Schneider, Managing Director of Development at TRUMPF Machine Tools in Ditzingen, Germany, explains in an interview how mechanical engineering supports the transition to a circular economy and the establishment of a green factory, and how business models are changing.

Dr. Thomas Schneider, Managing Director of Development, TRUMPF Machine Tools

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